Friday, August 9, 2013

What's One Child Worth?

                                                          Do The Math
                                                         by Wilbur Witt

     Some time ago I wrote an article in which I cited the number of children's deaths that had occurred with children who were under foster care in Texas. I had a report in hand, and my number was 243. Jim Black corrected my number, it really being 231 or somewhere around that figure. The comparison I used was Sandy Hook. I took the number, divided it by the number of students in an average Texas classroom, and then painted a mental image of all those children in a school hallway covered with sheets. Everyone was horrified. They weren't horrified at the number of children, they were horrified that I had so vividly pointed it out. 

     So, I began to understand that the concerted genocide of children was fine so long as no one made Mr and Mrs Middle America look at it. So long as the CPS can tidy up the mess, and nobody has to recon with it then business could continue as usual. Ok, I don't play that! If I were to march 231 foster parents and CPS workers into a concrete room and dump Zyclon D down the ventilator shaft it would be the trial of the century IF I survived the SWAT team. If some father shot just ONE CPS worker trying to take his little girl he'd never see the light of day again, yet every day, EVERY DAY, children in Texas are being kidnapped, raped, and butchered by the Child Protective Services, its agents, and assigns! Heck, let's do some more math. That's .63 of a child per day. While you prepare for your weekend, by the time you go back to work on Monday, two more little Texans will be gone! 

     And who speaks for them? Certainly not the CPS. They're too busy cashing federal bounty checks. The foster parents? Give me a break.  Foster parents are on the CPS teat so firmly you'd think they have lockjaw. They are the lowest form of life if you don't count pedophiliac dope pushers. Oh, sorry, I offended the pedophiliac dope pushers. Most foster children are on psychotropic drugs to numb their senses because they've lost their parents. Let's just put them down there with Aerial Castro. Compare his actions with a foster parent. And all he did was kidnap and rape three. 

     One...ONE is too many. The death of one little two year old girl should warrant the arrest and possible execution of every single CPS worker in the office involved ALONG with the foster parent who perpetrated the crime. I am convinced that when that first body rolls out of the Ellis unit down in Huntsville your would see an exodus for Texas borders that would make Moses proud. Now some of you think I'm out of line, maybe just a little bit crazy. Any of you who have a two year old daughter,mor granddaughter, look at her. Look at her right now. Now imagine you're looking at her in a casket. What's that precious foster parent worth to you RIGHT NOW! 

     The CPS is not good. It kidnaps, rapes,,and murders children. It breaks up Christian, Jewish, and Muslim families. If God were to give us what we deserve for allowing this to happen America would be burning from sea to shining sea. So, the next time you see a foster parent at a party, or get together, with a child I want you to consider that child lost its mother. Weigh the mother's tears, the broken dreams, and the absolute human misery that foster parent has inflicted. Then, just finish your drink and leave. Go home quickly to your children, and be very glad that foster parent's friends don't knock on your door in the morning because someone was counting your drinks. Check out the story about little Alex. We can't bring her back, folks. God will ultimately judge these people. I'm just trying to arrange the meeting.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Every Minute Another Child Dies

                                    The Ongoing Fight Against CPS 
                                                       by Wilbur Witt

     Sometimes it seems as if I'm a raging fanatic when I write about the CPS. I, myself notice this, but during my involvement with this criminal organization I have come to realize that there is no room for negotiation. There is no room for compromise. Just today I listened to a recording of a meeting sent to me by Thomas Evelia Bojo please listen , and I was disgusted! The calm, lying voice of the CPS worker reminded me of my constant comparison of CPS to Gestopo, "Der Chews are Der enimi!" the CHILDREN are the enemy when it comes to CPS!  For the CPS caseworker children are only a source of perverted pleasure, and cash. Lorena Flournoy, CPS caseworker, actually said, "When I picked up those kids it was everything I could do to keep from laughing out loud!" She was referring to MY grandchildren. She removed them from a mansion on an Arnold Palmer golf course, delivered them to a pedophile, and then to a woman who beat one almost to death (8 stitches), put another in ICU, (deprived of medication) and one pushed into a diabetic coma! She made this comment in what she thought was a safe area at CPS offices, only problem was she said it to one of our moles!

     Middle America never seems to grasp the enormity of the CPS problem. Like myself, they sincerely believe that the organization is there for the ultimate good of children. My own daughter in law has taken issue with me about my articles. She insists that she knows foster parents and they are fine people. These people keep children from their parents against their will. These people break apart families. I guess Ariel Castro is a fine person, too!

     The problem is that CPS is killing children every day! Every minute of every hour that we procrastinate children are dying. These people have. no morals, no conscience, and no remorse. They believe they have some mystic ability to identify right and wrong without rule of law! They are Nazis! 

     But, there is a Nuremberg coming. The Texas sunset law, the work of Angel Eyes Over Texas, the constant vigilance or Jim Black, and his associates, the non-stop efforts of Thomas Evelia Bojo and hosts of others has put these criminals on notice. We know the price because we have all paid the price. But we cannot let up because THEY will not let up! Only one faction can walk out of this ring. If it is the people, then Texan families will be safe, but if we lose it will be business as usual, and more children will die. The choice is simple, so simple, and I suppose, in that light I am a raging fanatic.