The evidence is gathered. It began with an accusation from a vague report that a child was being harmed in some way. There was no physical evidence, only a report of some kind of mental abuse. The twelve year old girl was of a group of girls. She, and others began to have seizures, crying out, and an anonymous report was made to the government authority that would investigate.
An investigator was sent to compile the report. The little girl told the investigator that a baby sitter had mentally tortured her. The abuse had led her to become very disturbed. She began to black out, have hallucinations, and could barely hold anything on her stomach. She was sent by the investigators to a doctor, who, after a thorough examination, concluded that, even though there were no outward sings of abuse, the abuse was indeed of the mind, and the doctor had good reason to believe that the baby sitter had indeed performed some type of abuse on the child.
The parents, of course, had great concern, and fully cooperated with the investigation. After all, it was they who had first noticed the problem with the girl. Upon interview, the little girl named some of her friends, who had also been cared for by the baby sitter, and they, too, had developed various stages of mental issues, which upon seeing the baby sitter, would manifest in hysteria.
The parents of all these girls were appalled. The baby sitter was.brought up on charges of child abuse of the most base type. In court the girls would describe games that she would play with them, and even during testimony they would become distraught.
The government investigators reasoned now that if this baby sitter, indeed, all the baby sitters in the employ of the agency, could be doing this form of child abuse, then how could the parents not notice this for so long a period of time. It was decided to question the parents also. The evidence was clear. Most of the parents were simply too wrapped up in their lives to attend to the welfare of their own children, and this very fact led to this massive amount of abuse at the hands of this group of trusted caretakers.
In closed court, with no jury several of the parents were brought up. While there was no actual physical evidence to support the allegations, the circumstantial evidence was overwhelming, combined with the Doctor's report of the mental state of the children, and the investigator's reasons to believe that something sinister was at hand here.
After the hearing the initial little girl was removed by the court and placed in the care of the government. The parents' lifestyle was seemed to be just too unorthodox and they should not be trusted with a child, not even their own! There was no reprieve. There was no defense. The judge's decision was final. It would later be revealed that this judge was a protege of a certain councilman who had an interest in the holdings of the parents of the first little girl. The judge fully understood that an unfavorable ruling against them would earn him the political gratitude of the councilman, which would quickly translate into votes come next election, and assure the judge of a continued tenure of office. Of course the ruling would lead to the public and financial ruin of the family, forcing them to sell their holdings at a reduced rate with the councilman more than willing to pick up at mere pennies on the dollar.
Before the investigation was over more baby sitters were brought up on charges, with the children's stories becoming more and more detailed until some of the baby sitters were actually brought up on criminal charges, and more than a few of the children were removed from their homes.
I know you think I am talking about the CPS. I apologize for misleading you. I was describing the Salem witchcraft trials. Now, do you understand? Do you FINALLY understand?
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